Mindset Teresa Haag Mindset Teresa Haag

When You Get Things Wrong

I spent a good chunk of my day yesterday getting the gallery ready for the Holidays.

I pulled out my boxes of decorations, did a deep clean, and got out my spackle and paint to patch over the nail holes from the last show.

As I made my rounds with my spackle and putty knife, I was thinking about how many holes I’ve put into these walls over the past 3.5 years.

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Mindset Teresa Haag Mindset Teresa Haag

Creating Our Own Validation

I happen to love getting awards...

Sometimes, I win them...

And sometimes the prize patrol drives right on by my booth...

And that’s ok because prizes aren’t a measuring tool how good of an artist I am.

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Mindset Teresa Haag Mindset Teresa Haag

How to Do It When You Don’t Want To

I get asked all the time how I created my art business....how I sell my art...how I find collectors.

Here's the answer...

I make gut-driven work.

I show my work and tell my story.

I meet people.

I help them experience my work.

That's it.

Do these 4 things, and you'll sell art.

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