The Answer to More Time in the Studio and Sold Out Shows
As artists, we dream about luxurious amounts of time in the studio making our art.
We dream about opening nights.
We dream about sold out shows.
One thing most of us don’t dream about is owning an art business.
We don’t think of ourselves as entrepreneurs.
In fact, most of us resist the idea of business and entrepreneurship.
We hold out hope that some big time gallery is going to discover us and manage all the businessy stuff, like marketing and selling.
And maybe someday that will happen.
But until then,
your art business is the answer to
luxurious amounts of time in the studio,
opening nights
and sold out shows.
The moment you decided to sell your art is the moment your art business was born.
And like a newborn baby, it needs so much love, and nourishment, and attention.
And you are there holding the wailing newborn with no idea what it needs, wondering why it’s not giving you opening nights and sold out shows yet.
And we tell ourselves that things are not working, and that we are doing it wrong, and that no one wants our art.
Before your art business can provide for you, it first needs you to provide for it so it can grow.
And that means making time for your business, and trying new things, and being willing to be wrong…a lot, and learning from your efforts.
You aren’t going to get it right all the time.
You are going to have zero shows…and that’s ok.
You are going to post on social media and get crickets…and that’s ok.
You are going to send emails and get 9 marked spam and another 9 unsubscribes (ask me how I know)…and that’s ok too.
Because all of that is part of your journey to learning the skills to having a successful business that provides you all the time in the studio that you want…or the travel, or the experiences, or the “really good” art supplies.
Building your business isn’t supposed to feel good all the time.
There are going to be sleepless nights, and times of confusion, frustration, fear, rejection, embarrassment, and exhaustion.
But sitting there in front of you will be this thing that you created….just like you create your art…from trial and error and determination and a deep desire to bring new things into the world.
And it won’t be perfect, but it will be exactly what it needs to be to provide you with the time and resources to live your best artist life.
You have to be willing to be messy.
And you have to be willing to make mistakes.
And you have to believe that you are doing it right even when it feels like it’s not working.
Because it’s always working,
and you always figure it out,
and quitting is the only reason you won’t realize your dreams.
This is the work we do inside of The Art Room. If you are ready to take action in your business, get messy, and get to work on living your best artist life…I’m all in with you.
Schedule a call with me today and we can talk about your art and your business and your goals.