Just do it.
It took me and my husband 2 hours to set up my EZ Up tent at my first outdoor art show.
Two hours....
And that was just getting the tent up and the sides zipped on.
And then I tied wire to the 4 sides of the tent frame to string my work from.
As the paintings dangled and danced in the summer breeze, collectors would reach up and hold them still so they could look at them. 💨 🖼
I had no business cards to hand out.
I had no guest book to capture emails.
My husband and I sat in the booth...like right inside the booth so people had to actually walk around us to see the art...him reading a Tom Clancy novel while I either painted or chatted with people.
I wish I had kept records of sales from those early shows.
I didn’t do that either.
But I know, that despite our rookie setup, we still connected with people and they still experienced the energy of my work enough to want to take it home.
Where you are right now with whatever you are doing is perfect.
You don’t NEED to change to be successful as an artist.
You just need to be willing to open up, and tell your story, and connect with humans, and listen to what they have to say.
One piece at a time.
One person at a time.
One show at a time.
It’s always working.
And every time you go out there and show your work, and tell your story, and help them experience your art...
You learn more about you and your work and the people who your work helps the most.
It’s ok to do it awkwardly, or slowly, or the total hard way...until you learn what works best for you and your people.
There are no shortcuts.
But it doesn’t have to feel hard or bad if you just decide to enjoy the learning along the way...and not compare yourself to others....and to have fun figuring it all out.
Whether you are doing your first outdoor show, or trying out Reels, or preparing for a solo...you are doing it exactly the way you should be doing it.
Keep going.
And then do it again even better.
Happy Friday!
P.S. If you are looking for a cheerleader as you go out there and share your art with the world...I'm ready for ya! 🎉 Schedule a call today.